Menasha Litter Pickup Pictures
Thank you to everyone helping to pick up litter during the month of April. After the snow melts, we are always left with litter and trash along our streets and sidewalks.
By picking up the waste, you are beautifying our city. Thank you!

Brian Tungate
APRIL 1 - We picked up trash along the trail between Heckrodt and Jefferson Park and then we walked through the loop at Heckrodt to pick up trash as well.

Paula Schommer
APRIL 1 - Paula picked up trash on Tayco st to Main st Racine st to all the way to Ninth st then finished the rest of Tayco st. This was fun!

Trash Bandits! Amy Schabo & Son
APRIL 1 - The Trash Bandits team (Mother/Son) picked up two bags of trash today (in the falling snow!) in the field on Province Terrace behind Festival Foods Menasha.

Austin & Amber Hammond
APRIL 1 - Started our morning by participating in the city-wide garbage clean up!

Tammy Westphal
APRIL 1 - I picked up trash at Jefferson Park. I would sure love that Litter Monster pin!

Joe's Thrifters Joe & Linda Endres
APRIL 1 - Joe's Thifters picked up trash under and around the Racine Street Bridge.

Courtney Slack
APRIL 5 - I cleaned up the street by the police station and the school

The Anderson Family - Carter & Christina
APRIL 6 - Our family picked up trash around the bridge areas today.

Trash Eliminators Jordon Wegener
APRIL 8 - We cleaned the loop behind Banta Village apartments with the red structure.

Patricia & Kim Schick
APRIL 29 - We walked around the fence line at Heckrodt and around the east side of Jefferson park.

May 4 - Attended the Doty Island Cleanup event.

John Augustine
May 4 - Attended the Doty Island Cleanup event.

Skylar, Payton and Ah-Leigha
APRIL 6 - Lady Jays picking up trash at Hart Park.

The Anderson Family - Jake & Mason
APRIL 6 - Our family picked up trash around the bridge areas today.

Bonnie Delfosse
APRIL 7 - Menasha Lock

Barb Zigler
APRIL 7 - Doty Island

Shawn Murphy
APRIL 9 - I cleaned up at the Menasha Skate Park.

Skylar, Payton and Ah-Leigha
APRIL 8 - Picked up trash and branches behind the Memorial Building. We also reported a broken light by the isle of valor to Menasha public works.

Nydia Viasana and Sarah Pyawasit
APRIL 10 - We chose to pickup around the Menasha locks, Friendship Trail, and Fritze Park. These are all places I fished and walked as a child, and now enjoy with my daughter. We found a lot of Shotgun shells and worm containers near the waterways. Cigarette butts, soda bottles, juice box straws, and styrofoam were prevalent on and near the walkways.

River Rat Productions
APRIL 15 - Along the train track on Pacific between Lisbon Ave and 9th Street.

Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactica!
APRIL 22 - We picked up garbage near Wilzke's Pub along 6th street and Milwaukee Street.