Mayors of Menasha
Visionary Leaders of Menasha
Menasha's Leaders in History
Every city has stories which include the influential leaders of their time. In Menasha's 150 years, there have been 28 mayors that have served to help found, expand and improve the land in which their citizens live.
Mayor turnover was high for the first 100 years. Menasha had 24 mayors in the first 100 years and only 4 mayors in the last 50 years. Turnover was due to the early mayors only serving one year terms. It wasn't until the 1970's, under Mayor Wiecki, that the mayor served as a full-time employee. In the 1980's, Menasha's leadership, under Mayor Ciske, changed the term of mayor from 1 year to 4 years.
Below are the mayors of Menasha and information about each of them.

O.J. Hall
1874 - 1st Mayor of Menasha
Born in Vermont on March 14, 1818.
Moved to Plover, Wisconsin in 1829 and then to Menasha in 1850.
Elected first Mayor of Menasha in 1874. He served on the Village Board and as Chairman of the Town of Menasha in the 1860's.
Operated Hall & Loescher brewery and later sold his interest in the brewery to Mr. Merz & Mr. Behre when he became involved in politics. He also dealt in farm machinery.
His home, a two-story brick building with Greek Revival influences is located at 410 First Street.

P.V. Lawson, Sr.
1875 - 1878
Born in Corning, New York in 1825.
Came to Wisconsin in 1854
1854 - He and A.J. Webster started the Hub and Spoke Factory.
1864 - Created and headed the volunteer fire-fighting company. Volunteers were exempt from Jury Duty. Menasha Engine Company No.1 of the Village of Menasha
Donated the first fire truck to the city.
Founded the P.V. Lawson Company in 1858. Manufactured doors, sashes, blinds, wagon wheels and other wagon products.
Involved in organizing the first bank in Menasha.
Died in 1881.

A.J. Webster
1879-1881, 1883-1884
Born in Cabot, Vermont in 1829.
Moved to Racine, Wisconsin in 1855 and then to Menasha in 1856.
Purchased a spoke factory called the Webster Manufacturing Company. PV Lawson became his partner. Became the 2nd largest manufacturer in the area.
Served on the 1st library board (1870), Menasha Mayor (3 terms)
His home: Washington Street (now where St. Thomas Episcopal Church is located).
1880 - The Neenah and Menasha Gas Company extended their mains to Menasha from Neenah. The gas generator was on Doty island.

Silas Bullard
Born in Greenfiled, Massachusetts.
Studied at Power's Institute in Bernadrdston, Massachusetts and Bridgeton Acadamy. Studied law in Portland, Maine.
In 1871, Bullard settled in Menasha. He was a lawyer and was in the banking & manufacturing businesses. Served as superintendent of the Menasha schools.
In 1881 and 1882, Bullard served as mayor of Menasha as well as city attorney.
Served on the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors.
From 1885 to 1889, Bullard served as Winnebago County District Attorney.
From 1895 to 1899, Bullard served in the Wisconsin State Assembly.
In 1910, the governor appointed Bullard to Winnebago County judge.

L.G. Noble
Extensive land owner.
Superintendent of the Menasha Wooden Ware Company.
Heavily involved in city government.
Park Commissioner
Served on various committees.
Alderman for the 3rd Ward.

P.V. Lawson, Jr.
1886-1889, 1893, 1896
- Graduated from Menasha High School in 1872.
Graduated from UW-Madison Law program in 1878.
Received 3 patents for a wooden pulley design (the Lawson Split Pulley). Menasha Wood Split Pulley Co at 520 Tayco Street, Menasha.
Passionate historian. Wrote many historical books including, "Story of Oshkosh, His Tribe and Fellow Chiefs"
Reputation as an inspired speaker. Gave the 4th of July oration for 21 years and the Memorial Day speech for 10 years.
1886 -
Built the first Menasha City Hall
Built the Mill Street Bridge. It was a riveted iron bridge which cost $14,500 and remained in place until 1951.
1896 - First sewer was placed along Main Street.
Political Career: County Supervisor (1878), Alderman (1882-83), Mayor of Menasha, State Assembly (1918). ​
CLICK HERE to see his map of Menasha in 1899.
1888 - Menasha contracted with Bay City, Michigan to create an electric lighting plant to light the streets and domestic purposes.

Curtis Reed
In 1845 Curtis Reed came to Menasha. With his brother, Harrison Reed, they purchased much of Doty Island property.
Nicknamed the "Father of Menasha".
1852 - served on the Wisconsin State Assembly.
1853 - Menasha became incorporated and Curtis Reed served as Menasha's first village president.
1853-54, 1858, 1865-67 - served as village president.
Served two terms in the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1853 and 1861.
Established the first water power (Menasha dam).
Served as director of the Wisconsin Central Railroad which connected Lake Superior to Milwaukee.
1893-1897 - served as Menasha Postmaster
1897 - E..D. Smith donated 32 acres of land to the city of Menasha, Originally a woman's college was planned for the location, and then the new Menasha Library, but in the end, it became Smith Park.

George Banta
1892, 1895, 1902-1903
Born in Covington, Kentucky.
1876 - Graduated from Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana
1885 - moved to Menasha.
1901 - established the George Banta Printing Company. Many of the early growth came from publications for educational contracts (fraternities, sororities, university catalogs, yearbooks and textbooks).
1890-1891 - Served as Menasha alderman.
1892, 1895, 1902-1903 - Served as mayor of Menasha.
Served on many boards of local companies.
1903 - Determined to make all streets and sidewalk into cement. Purchased its own quarry on Doty Island to crush stone needed for paving streets and cement sidewalks.

John Rosch
- 1859 - 1922. Buried at Oak Hill Cemetery. Wife's name was Kittie.
- Menasha's local druggist.
- Introduced the soda fountain to Menasha. At first he could only offer vanilla, sarsaparilla, and lemon, but expanded quickly due to its popularity.
- Menasha's first superintendent of schools.
- 1884 - Mayor of Menasha
- Served more than once as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.
- Served on the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors (1916-1917)​

J.M. Pleasants
1897, 1900
Father, Frederick W. Pleasants, came to Wisconsin in 1855 from Richmond, VA.
Had his office in the 2nd floor of the First National Bank of Menasha.
The common council voted to change the Menasha Library to a "public" (free) library
Called the "Free Public Library and Reading Rooms of Menasha.
Taxes were raised in order to maintain the library.
Miss Lucy Pleasants was the librarian at that time.
Inventory of 1,458 volumes and pamphlets
1906, 1907, 1908 - Menasha City Attorney ​

M.M. Schoetz
1898-1899, 1922-1923
Born in Milwaukee in 1856.
Studied law with LF Frisby, who was a Wisconsin attorney general. Passed the bar in 1877.
Practiced law in the Wisconsin supreme court, US district & circuit courts.
Held many positions in government including: Menasha city attorney, supervisor for the city of Menasha, Winnebago county board of supervisors, justice of the peace, and superintendent of the Menasha public schools.
1887 - Organized the Menasha Building & Loan association.
Was in favor of consolidating Neenah and Menasha as one city.
Organizer and stockholder in the First National Bank of Menasha and in the Winnebago Anzeiger Publishing Company. The Winnebago Anzeiger newspaper was published weekly in Menasha from 1881 - 1909. https://www.loc.gov/item/sn85041152/?st=holdings

Henry Fitzgibbon
- 1849 - Born in Steubenville, New York. Died in 1933
- Grew up on a farm in Waukesha county.
- Completed his schooling at Chicago Law School.
- 1873 - Moved to Menasha.
- Served as alderman of the First Ward.
- An attorney with his office located at 148 Main Street until he was 83 years old.
- Was a one-term mayor (1901) and also the city attorney (1887).
- 1888 - Elected to the office of district attorney
- Dean of the Winnebago county bar. ​

August J. Henning
1904 - 1907
During this time, Menasha is becoming independent of other cities. Neenah offered to sell Menasha water and gas. Menasha created their own solutions. Menasha was constructing sewers and cement sidewalks using Menasha labor/materials under the direction of the Menasha Street Committee.
"City Hall & Fire Committee" made many improvements to City Hall including painting the roof, window sashes and woodwork. Hot water heating was added and chairs/desk.
Menasha builds a water plant with a capacity of 86,000 gallons and adds fire hydrants by taking out a loan for $75,000. Sixty private consumers were added with meters and charged fees.
June 1906 -
Police committee is asked to enforce the dog license ordinance. Gave citizens 30 dyas to comply.
August 1906 -
A "Menasha Ladies Club" asked the city to construct a foundation and pedestal for the Nicolet monument.
Residents of the 4th ward petitioned the city to create an ordinance to prevent the burying of dead animals in the city limits. Enacted September 5th.
Ordinance to prevent anyone other than firemen from riding on the hose wagon & Hook & Ladder truck.
September 1906 - ​
Wisconsin Telephone Company placing wires underground
Ordinance for the cleanliness of sidewalks and public places.
November 1906 - ​
Notice placed in the newspaper that the owners of the lots and lands specified failed and neglected to build, construct and repair the sidewalks in front of their lot.
Therefore, the City of Menasha is annexing the edge of properties in order to maintain the sidewalks. The cost to maintain the sidewalks will be billed to the property owner.
February 1907 - ​
Street improvements and sewerage is insufficient for the needs of the city. The cost of street improvements and sewerage in the city during the first year of construction has been greater than the amount received / levied in special assessments.
It was necessary to borrow for street improvements $5,000 borrowed from Board of Directors of the Menasha Free Public Library and Reading Room. Loan was for 20 years with 5% interest annually.
Ordinance to punish saloon keepers for permitting young men under the age of 17 years to enter their establishment unaccompanied by parent. ​

Nicolas G. Remmel
1908-1909, 1912-1918, 1924-1927, 1930-1933
N.G. Remmel had 4 non-consecutive terms serving as Menasha's mayor. Below is a summary of only one of his terms.
M.M Schoetz lost the election to N.G. Remmel. Schoetz asked for a recount of the election. When notified the recount resulted as N.G. Remmel as the winner, Schoetz stated he was taking the election results to court.
Menasha Record was the city's newspaper
The city put in many cement sidewalks with curb/gutter. A few residents submitted claims of injury from falling on the walks. two sweeping carts purchased ($35each) to keep the sidewalks cleaned.
Notice posted no trucks over 4 tons to cross the mill street bridge.
June 1924 - "Sufficient evidence" was produced to remove the 4th Ward and the 5th Ward aldermen (Spengler).
$5,000 bond at 5% interest borrowed from the Firemen's Pension to purchase baseball grounds from Christ Walter. Property taxes covered the cost of the bond.
July 1924 - The three paid firemen were granted a 7-day paid vacation.
August 1924 - Pulley Works protesting against the dumping of animals & vegetable matters on their property. Menasha posted signs prohibiting dumping.
On July 26,1924, a train derailment occurred in Oshkosh involving the Soo Line (CLICK HERE). The city council wanted the Soo Line to repair the tracks from Racine/Main Streets to Tayco Street Bridge. The requests escalated until October when the City Attorney notified the Soo Line with a petition signed by many businesses "to the discontinuance of the buss and train service running into Menasha" and a resolution created by the city council.
1939 - Died in an automobile accident.
MILL STREET BRIDGE, 1917 (Panoramic View)
Used with Permission: Oshkosh Public Museum
Photographer: John H. Whitney
ID# P2009.44.10, Negative# 23789
Used with Permission: Oshkosh Public Museum
Photographer: John H. Whitney
ID# P2009.44.11, Negative# 23790

Joseph Hill
During this time, Menasha had clay streets. Sewers ran to various "catch basins" in the city and Menasha was just staring to add water and gas service to the main areas of the city.
- Joseph Hill won against N.G. Remmel in the 1910 election 597 to 552.
- The budget for 1911 was $ 77,263.67.
- July 1910 - The 5th ward was created using parts of the 1st and 4th ward. The alderman for the 4th ward officially lived in the 5th ward so he was designated the new 5th Ward Alderman.
- The carbon lamps need constant repairing so a man was paid $40/month to keep the lamps clean and burning.
- The Street Committee was very active.
- cut down hill on 5th/6th street between Appleton and DePere Streets. Used the fill on low places between DePere / London.
- Dug ditches from Racine Street to London.
- Notified the several telephone, telgraphs and Railroad companies to paint their poles white and use oil.
- Paid someone $4.00/day for "street sprinkling" four miles per day. Side note: Menasha used 50,000 gallons of oil per year to "sprinkle" on their streets to keep the dust down.
- May 1910
- Ordinance for the muzzling of dogs.
- Applied to the Hon. Secretary of War for permission to place a cable underneath the United States canal alongside Tayco Bridge
- July 1910 - Ordinance to prevent persons from distributing samples of medicines/pills.
- August 1910
- Resolution stated that railroad car shops (repair shops for railroad cars) were promised and agreed to be located in the City of Menasha, but did not happen. Menasha appealed to the Railroad to construct a repair depot. (Did not happen)
- Town of Menasha signed a Quit Claim Deed to the cemetery to the City of Menasha for $1.00.
- November 1910 - Lengthened roads to expand the City of Menasha
- 3rd street to Tayco to Lake Butte des Mortes
- 4th street from Manitowoc to Tayco Street
- 5th street from Racine Street to Tayco Street
- 7th street from Milwaukee St to Lake Butte des Mortes.
- Manitowoc street from 3rd street to Appleton Road

T.E. McGillan
Born in Appleton, Wisconsin in December 1881.
Graduated from St. Vincente's College (now DePaul Universtiy) in Chicago and stayed on as faculty for 7 years after graduation.
Founded the Peerless Paper Products Company in Menasha and then the McGillan-Asmuth Paper Mills, Inc to supply the jumbo rolls needed for the other mill.
Became Vice-President of Lakeside Paper Company (took over for father-in-law).
NOTE: "Elected mayor of Menasha to fill out an unexpired term" and then re-elected without opposition.
His successes include: A concrete bridge being built over the Fox River, laying 25 miles of concrete--paved streets, large addition built onto Menasha High School.
Modernization of the fire department by adding motor equipment.
Put in place the first Police Chief.
Declined nomination for a 3rd term stating his business responsibilities were demanding his time.

W.E. Held
1928-1929, 1936-1937
1925 - Created the Menasha Hardware Company with Jay Page on Tayco Street.
During his second term as mayor, lawlessness, gambling, air pollution and wild dogs were prevalent. In response, Held enacted many ordinances and greatly increased the city's debt. CLICK HERE
1936 - At this time, 50,000 gallons of road oil was used annually to reduce road dust. Alderman were issued badges and Billy clubs and given the authority of a Police Officer. ​
Jefferson Park is NEW. ​
Bridge Tenders for Mill Street and Tayco Street Bridges were elected.
Ordinance to regulate and control the sale and distribution of milk, cream, buttermilk, skimmed milk.
Removal of "islands" on Nicolet between Ahnaip & Washington to add parking.
Extension of Manitowoc Street
Hired a City Physician ($100/mo) - medicine, surgical work, office/home calls as directed by the Board of Health
Neenah & Menasha shared an employment office
Menasha enacted the Registration of Amusement Devices.
1937 -​
Removal of all outside toilets​
Put in place the Beverage Operators License. ​
4.9.1937 - Hired 2 men for each ward to act as dog catchers. On 7.20.1937, the city paid Louis Resch $46.50 for damage caused by wild dogs.
Ordinance declaring the emission of dense smoke, soot or ashes a public nuisance. Tissue Mills had soot from their power plant since 10.20.1936. The Jensen Bakery was also cited.
Winnebago County Courthouse corrects 4th ward property lines. 5th Street became 4th, 6th street became 5th, and 7th street became 6th.
1938 - Health Dept requires immunizations to prevent dipthheria​. Due to widespread vaccinations, Diphtheria is now rare.
WPA Projects​​
New High School (note: salvaged brick from old high school), Curb/gutter, storm sewers & water mains, 150 painted wooden street signs, Grand Stand & Field house for the City Ball Park (Municipal Recreation Park), City Garage
Jefferson Park - (Total cost: $330,000) Government aid paid for 45% of the cost
6.1.1936 - $70,000 in bonds​
9.16.1936 - $70,000 + 3% to pay current expenses
9.22.1936 - $120,000 to pay for the city's part of the Jefferson Park WPA project. **Increased property taxes
8.17.1937 - Borrowed $120,000 to pay its current & ordinary expenses. **Increased property taxes
11.16.1937 - Borrowed $50,000 w/ 3% interest to pay current & ordinary expenses. **increased tax levy
Held lost the mayoral election in 1938. Results: W.E. Held 741, Frank Heckrodt 1024 and William H. Jensen 1430.

F.O. Heckrodt
1934 - 1935
- 1887 - Born on Broad Street, Menasha.
- Dropped out before high school to supplement family income, but attended business college in Appleton. Graduated in 1907.
- 1911 - Passed the State Insurance Board examination and became an agent of the Northwestern National Insurance Company of Milwaukee.
- Purchased and developed a section of Doty Island (Fox River and Keyes Street by Smith Park) including Cleveland Street and Riverway.
- President of the Onward Manufacturing Company which sold glass sliding shoes place under heavy furniture to make it easier to move.
- For over 50 years, he worked with the Twin City Savings and Loan Association. - Chief Appraiser, Director, Vice-President and Chairman of the Board.
- Served as Third Ward Alderman for 5 terms, being elected President of the Council.
- During his term as mayor, Jefferson Park began to be developed.

W.H. Jensen
WPA (Works Progress Administration) Projects (1935 to 1943) - Employed skilled and unskilled workers to complete Menasha improvements including curb/gutter, sidewalks, streets, laying sewers, fixing streets.
Menasha supported WPA. Helped tremendously to get a lot of work done. Helped expand the city. During this time, some mills were only working 4 days per week.
Most honest mayors that he can recall - per Scanlon, 1978.
The city was in very high debt due to the poor economy (depression and WWI).

John R. Scanlon
Finished 8th grade education in Menasha.
1910 -Worked at the Menasha Woodenware company putting handles on pails (15 cents per hr).
​War declared in 1917. Enlisted and served in WWI in Company E National Guard.
He also worked in the Northwestern Railroad and the Soo Line loading box cars and working on the switch crew. Became a foreman and a union steward (1921 $3.13 for a 10-hr day, 6 days a week.
Neighbors submitted nomination papers for him. Menasha Alderman for the Fourth Ward from 1938 - 1944. Chairman of the Finance Committee for 5 years.
As mayor,
1946 - City was in very high debt.
Worked as a full-time mayor, but minium hours were not required (wages started at $70/month and ended at $100/month)
Believed in the Pay as You Go (no borrowing or taking on additional debt) and purchase only necessary items.
Focused on building up a reserve to fund city improvements such as streets, sewer, etc.
Believed the public had the right to be at every meeting. Therefore he did not have an executive meeting during the entire time he was mayor.
Appointed the first woman to the School Board (Mrs. Dr. Corey)
Used veto power twice. One to veto a new grader for Public Works and the other to veto a new fire truck.
1952 -
Bridge operators put in place for Tayco and Racine Street bridges.
1953 -
Annex Clovis Grove Park lands to the City of Menasha. Later became Clovis Grove School. A lot of growth in this area.
Properties purchased on Broad, Main, Tayco and Water Streets to expand off-street parking
Adopted Daylight Savings time to align with the State of Wisconsin.
Construction of sewer systems on Fourth St
1954 -
Purchased Block 56, 5th ward for $18,000 for "park purposes". (Pleasants Park).
Petition w/ 520 signatures asking for a referendum for a new swimming pool
The retaining wall on the south side of Gilbert Paper Company was built by the Army Corps of Engineers. (Fox River)
1962 -
Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed Scanlon vs. Menasha stating the city failed to refer the sale of public land to the Plan Commission and did not obtain appraisals before agreeing to sell the 2 properties. CLICK HERE
1978 -
Oral History of Menasha when John Scanlon was 84 years old. CLICK HERE

R.G. DuCharme
1937 - appointed to Fire & Police Commission by Mayor W.E. Held.
Many gas mains added. Tayco ('56, Carver Lane '56, Depere '56, Manitowoc '57, River '57, State '57)
The city council declared the Twin City News-Record as the official newspaper of Menasha.
1956 -
City of Menasha expansion - Hosterman Subdivision, Paul Bayer (10 acres)
Excess income tax used for Jefferson Park landscaping ($6,724), retaining wall in Jefferson Park ($2,345), alterations to Memorial Building ($17,987)
Bonds sold to the public in $1,000 increments with a 3.5% ROI to fund:
$300,000 - Swimming Pool Bonds​
$450,000 - Sewage Disposal Plant Bonds
$650,000 - School Bonds
1957 -
Menasha Dock Association added a boat dock at Smith Park.
Water main added at Plank Road
Referendum vote for full-time mayor. Results: Y= 2,463 and N= 2,024
Mayor's salary given. $2,500.
Chestnut street discontinued and given to the Walter Brothers Brewing Company. Harding Street extended to the west of London Street.
Municipal Beach house torn down and "swim at your own risk" signs added.
Renumbered houses. Street name changes: Edgewater Drive became Lakecrest Drive.
City lit Christmas trees in every ward. Theft of many electric lights and cords.
1958 -
Lease/purchase agreement for parking meters to be installed.
New municipal swimming pool dedicated on Memorial Day.
Clovis Grove elementary school built.
Special Assessment for 12 streets in Menasha to add curb, gutter and other street improvements. 5% interest charged to those that chose installment payments.

John L. Klein
1960-1965, 1968-1969
Born in 1921 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Member of the Neenah Menasha Elks Lodge #676 for 60+ years.
WWII - U.S. Army veteran serving in the European Theater as a tank driver under the command of General George S. Patton.
The name "Menasha" went to sea on February 2, 1965, as the US Navy dedicated the rudderless tugboat YTB Menasha at the US Naval Statior, Norfolk, Va. Mayor Klein presented a plaque to the tug on behalf of the common council
The Menasha Tugboat can be seen here:
CLICK HERE. Used with permission:
Oshkosh Public Museum
Government Tug 1928 "Menasha"
Photographer: Castle-Pierce Co.
ID# P2010.7.16

Kenneth E. Holmes
​During his tenure, the city of Menasha interacted with other communities. City employees ventured outside the city for conferences and education. Examples: Police Adminstration School, FBI Graduates Training, 1966 Conference of Clerks and Finance Officers, City Attorney's Conference.
1966 -
Oshkosh Northwestern was Menasha's official newspaper.
1966 - Menasha Electric Utilities developed an interconnect with Kaukauna Electric Utilities.
Board of Education purchased 716 Racine Street to expand High School.
City of Menasha purchased 8 lots on Chute, Main, Tayco for $140,000 to erect municipal buildings to help take care of capital improvements. Created the Menasha Civic Building Committee.
Property owners were responsible for paying for sewer and laterals. Special assessments for sanitary, sewer and water main - 6% interest charged.
Loan for $178,678 to fund the expansion of the Neenah-Menasha secondary sewage treatment plant.

James Adams
- Born in Menasha at the home of his parents and grandparents.
- 1956 - Graduated from Menasha High School.
- 1960 - Graduated from Colorado College.
- Taught in public schools of all levels.
- 1965 - Enlisted in the US Navy. Served on USS Oriskanay (1966-1969) with a tour of duty in Vietnam (June 1967-February 1968).
- 1970 - Won the mayor position against 4 opponents.
- Accomplishment: conversion to user fees to finance the expansion of the sewerage treatment plant on the Fox River.
- Owned the Menasha Hotel.

Victor V. Wiecki
Born in Berlin, Wisconsin.
Attended St. Norbert's College and served in the US Navy as an aircraft mechanic.
First full-time mayor. Spent 20 years in Menasha.
Completed mortuary school and became a funeral director.
Nov 1980 - New neighborhood park added on Kaukauna Street dedicated to previous mayor, John R. Scanlon.

Thom A. Ciske
Term was changed from 2 years to 4 years.
Relocated City Hall to 140 Main Street to better accommodate the needs of a growing community.
Modified future development plans to include annexing land on the City’s eastern border in Calumet County.
Facilitated the construction of the Whitman Park Apartments.
Tested and implemented single-operator refuse trucks in conjunction with the City of Appleton
Initiated the redevelopment of the “uptown” area of downtown Menasha which would become the Menasha Marina.
Changed charter ordinance to include the mayor as member of the Utility Commission.
The length of the term of Mayor changed from 2 years to 4 years during this period. Mayor Ciske served one 2 year term and one 4 year term.
Following his tenure as Mayor, became a licensed lobbyist in 2005 working for the Fox Cities Chamber

Joseph F. Laux
- Longest serving mayor (20 years).
- Graduated from Appleton East High School in 1974.
- Earned his bachelor's degree from
- UW-Green Bay.
- Worked for Anchor Foods before being elected mayor.
- Facilitated expansion of the City of Menasha to Lake Park Road.
- Made boundary agreements with Town of Menasha and Town of Harrison to expand even though those two municipalities did not honor their agreement.
- Played a large role in downtown development with projects including Riverview Plaza office building, River Place office building and Marina Place residential development.
- Menasha became a founding member of WPPI Energy jointly purchasing electricity to lower rates in our community.
- Construction of Curtis Reed Square.

Donald Merkes
2008 - 2024
Executed a sale leaseback of the electric utility through referendum saving our municipal public utility for future generations
Stabilized the City of Menasha troubled financial standings reducing debt by $10.5 million being a 22% deduction.
Increased equalized value of the community by nearly $733 million (73% increase) and reduced equalized tax rate by $1.74 (19% reduction) as compared to the 2009 budget.
Constructed LEED Gold Certified Fire Station 36 to support expanded development to the east.
Successfully financed and constructed a new Public Works Facility including a 286 kW Solar photovoltaic system
Embarked on the revitalization of the Downtown including key developments such as the One Menasha Center and the Brin Development.
Expanded the parks system and connectivity including adding Hidden Pond Park, Loop the Lake Trail System, the Province Terrace Board Walk, the Public Works Trail connector, and the Water Street connector.
Embarked on a historical renovation of Jefferson Park
Created a new Housing Program to strength the stability of the aging housing stock.
Completed Racine Street Bridge
Recognized as library of the year in 2008 and began planning for a 2024 library renovation
Expanded School Resource Officer and canine programs
40 years Tree City USA, initiated Tree Campus designation & Treeline utility designation
Two Innovations in Urban Forestry Awards
Maintained independent City Health Department
Strengthened relationship with Menasha Schools sharing Menasha City Center
Awarded Bike Friendly Community Bronze